That’s right! The anthology comic Pop Gun’s fourth volume is actually going to have a cover. I believe the Image book considered not having a cover but then realised that that would just make the first page the cover, defeating the purpose. Then they considered not having a first page to get round that problem, but then the next page after that would be the de facto cover. In the end if they wanted to have something they could call a comic, it would have to have a cover. So, after bribing Ben Templesmith with money, they plumped for the following:

I think they made the right decision, don’t you?
Find more about this volume
Inside this book you can find the return of "Agents of the W.T.F." by Adam P. Knave, D.J. Kirkbride, Matteo Scalera, Paolo Ferrante, ME, and Thomas Mauer!

I wanna thank
Chiara to helped me in this job! THANKS!
2 commenti:
figo anto!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
A presto!!!
Buon Natale!
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